
Fallout shelter steam version save location
Fallout shelter steam version save location

fallout shelter steam version save location fallout shelter steam version save location

If you have been toying with that idea and the question ‘Where are my Windows 10 games stored?’ keeps bothering you, you have come to the right place. That said, you might be asking, ‘How to find games I’ve downloaded from Microsoft Store?’ The thing is, some of them might be hogging too much space on your PC, which means there is a chance that you will end up wishing to relocate a game or two. Just open the app, choose the game you like, wait a bit, and enjoy a new adventure – that’s all you have to do. However, we mostly rely on one-click solutions these days, so it is no wonder that games from Microsoft Store are downloaded and installed automatically. We bet you remember there were days when you had to install your games yourself by using good old installers and wizards.

Fallout shelter steam version save location